Published date: 09/29/2018

Academic excellence has always characterized American Liberty University (ALU), a private university in the USA. We combine the breadth and scope of a world-class research, weekend class, on-campus, and online study institution.

At American Liberty University Online Study, You will graduate entirely over the Internet. With on-campus study, you will be attending times and places for all of your busy schedules.

You can come to class whenever it's convenient for you by choosing when and where you participate in class. Your course is conducted according to a schedule, but there are usually no "live" classes to attend. Instead, lectures, coursework, and discussions all take place at your convenience. You choose the place - at home, at school - wherever you have access to a computer, modem, and an Internet Service Provider (ISP). You'll get the same high-quality instruction and course content that you demand, but without the day-to-day obstacles that prevent so many of us from pursuing other goals. With online learning, commuting to campus and paying for childcare are things of the past.

Online courses can be quite varied in their overall approach to the teaching and learning process, but they often have certain characteristics in common. In all online courses, students use a computer to connect to a course site on the World Wide Web. Standard classroom books and printed materials are typically used in combination with online lectures, assignments, and supplementary course materials. Some courses have formal lectures, similar in length and content to lectures given in face-to-face classes. Online lectures may be entirely text-based or consist of some combination of text, graphics, sound and video. Other courses break the content up into smaller units or abandon the lecture entirely, instead relying on group discussion and others types of learning activities.

The course is designed so that you receive course assignments, complete them on your own time (but with a scheduled due date), and then return them as electronic documents. Your instructor will evaluate them and provide feedback. Many courses will also use, as an integral part of the course, a threaded discussion forum which you can use to share information, collaborate, and interact with other members of your class. Instructors will also provide updated course materials at the beginning of the each class session that is designed by our faculty to better deliver materials to students through reliable technology sources.

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