Published date: 09/28/2018

DMV Licensed Courses

Our traffic violator school & online traffic school course is licensed by the DMV for use statewide. The simple-to-read program is entertaining, informative, and loaded with colorful graphics, videos, cartoons, and jokes that will have you laughing while you learn. Best of all, you can take it from the comfort of your own home (or wherever you have Internet access) and complete it in a few hours or over a few days—it's up to you! Enroll now and you'll be back on the road to safe driving in no time!

Restore your good driving record

By attending an online traffic school or traffic violator school, you may hide a point or conviction on your driving record. Having too many points observable on your record can lead to the loss of specific driving related occupations, future license suspensions, as well as higher insurance premiums. Meanwhile, you might just learn something that will make you a safer driver —and perhaps even save your life!

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